Vet Referral

This page is for vets to make direct referrals

"Getting my vet to complete the referral form was straightforward and easy. There were some medical problems including a fear of vets where he would become aggressive, we worked with Gillian to get him vet ready, we are now all more confident visiting the vet!"

— Dave and Charlie


My pet doesn’t have any health problems, so why do I need a vet referral?

When a clinical animal behaviourist works with an animal, they need the animals medical history to help with the behaviour diagnosis and treatment, and may want to speak to the vet if any issues crop up. Pain is a huge contributor to behaviour problems, and dogs and horses are very stoic and hide pain well. A vet referral opens up the lines of communication and provides a multi- disciplinary approach.

Will my animal have to be seen by a vet?

No, not unless pain /illness is suspected. The referral is done via email and will not cost you anything extra.

If You’re want to claim behaviour fees on my insurance, will my insurance company increase the price of the policy?

Not usually, insurance premiums normally go up with age of pet and postcode.